Workforce Development

A national program for women early and mid-career researchers. With a cross-discipline, cross-sector approach, the program will increase research and translation capacity, and leadership capabilities.

An icon of three figures being held by a big hand.

Sub-committee chaired by Professor Vicki Clifton

The Workforce Development (WFD) sub-committee is committed to extend the research capabilities of women early and mid-career researchers and develop collaboration.

This sustainable, national program utilises co-designed, evidence-based support strategies that include mentoring, leadership training and networking. Seed research and translation funding will support research career development and collaboration.

The program partners with stakeholders including NHMRC, government agencies and existing accredited AHRA Centre partners.

WFD Vision and Aims


Our vision is to advance gender equity in women’s health research leadership by building capacity, capabilities, credibility and confidence in early and mid-career women researchers.


To achieve the vision, we will:

  • Provide career development opportunities for early and mid-career women researchers

  • Create a workforce hub to support the career development needs of women in health research

  • Invest in building workforce capabilities in early and mid-career women researchers

  • Develop a sustainable model that supports early and mid-career researchers

Activities to date

Early and mid-career (EMCR)  research surveys

  • Conducted in 2021 and 2022

  • Identified career development needs and challenges of women EMCRs working in women’s health research or translation

Emerging leaders fellowship program

  • Nominations through AHRA Centres

  • Ten fellowship appointments

EMCR Awards

  • Grant funding of up to $15,000 for 12-month research project

  • Thirty-six awardees


  • Mentoring Essentials for Career Development Webinar produced in 2022

  • Watch the recording here.

Education and training approach

  • Documents WFD’s approach to produce and implement leadership, education and training programs

  • Working groups will produce courses and programs

Sub-committee Membership

  • Professor Aunty Kerrie Doyle (Maridulu Budyari Gumal (SPHERE))

  • Professor Cate Nagle (Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre)

  • Professor Deborah Turnbull (Health Translation South Australia)

  • Professor Helena Teede (Monash Partners)

  • Dr Jacqueline Frayne (Western Australian Health Translation Network)

  • Professor Marion Eckert (Health Translation South Australia)

  • Dr Michelle Peate (Melbourne Academic Centre for Health)

  • Professor Sarah Larkins (Tropical Australian Academic Health Centre)

  • Associate Professor Sarah Zaman (Sydney Health Partners)

  • Professor Vicki Clifton (Health Translation Queensland)

  • Ms Sarah Lukeman (Consumer Advisor/Advocate)

  • Ms Tammy Milne (Consumer Advisor/Advocate)

  • Ms Linda Skinner (WHRTN WFD Project Manager)