Australian Health Research Alliance

WHRTN works closely with Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA) Centres to boost collaborations on women’s health and research, build health workforce capacity, develop leaders in women’s health, and advance research and translation.

AHRA Centres have nominated multidisciplinary international leaders in women’s health who span community, health services and academic institutions, to work with WHRTN's programs and commitees.



AHRA Centres

AHRA facilitates the integration of healthcare, health and medical research, and health professional education to deliver better health outcomes for all Australians. Our members comprise seven accredited Advanced Health Research and Translation Centres and three Centres for Innovation in Regional Health.

The Centres brings together acute health services, community health services, primary care, research institutes, universities and government to translate research into best practice to improve patient care and health outcomes for the population. AHRA centres are located throughout Australia and member Centres collectively encompass over 90% of researchers, and 80% of acute health care services in the country.  This provides significant opportunity for coordinated, national action.  The involvement of communities, consumers, patients, families and carers ensures solutions are based on knowledge and understanding of the specific challenges they face.

AHRA Collaboration Centres