Consumer voice embedded in WHRTN Programs

WHRTN is working to embed genuine shared power of community and consumer involvement, so consumers and community are the focus of the Research, Workforce Development, Indigenous Programs.  Consumer Advisor/Advocates, Sarah Lukeman and Tammy Milne sit on WHRTN committees and are committed to ensuring the consumer voice is heard. 

Sarah Lukeman

Sarah is a builder of social capital and an extensive networker, evidenced by her election to Singleton Council in 2016 as an independent Councillor. As a member of many not-for-profit groups including the Country Women’s Association of NSW, Cancer Voices NSW and Australia, and CCNSW CanAct Community, she is connected to many different communities throughout NSW and Australia.

Sarah has extensive experience in strategic planning, policy development, business improvement and governance of not for profit organisations in regional Australia. Currently building a board portfolio and advocating for a just transition for coal mining communities in the Hunter and throughout Australia.

Tammy Milne

The promotion and continued study into Women’s Health are very important to me and in particular the health of women in marginalised communities. I feel advocacy as a consumer is much needed and the voice of consumers can be a powerful tool for change. I am a consumer advisor/advocate for the Consumer and Community Involvement, and Workforce Development Sub-committees.

I live in Hobart, but have lived most of my life in regional northwest Tasmania. An Auslin user, I worked for the Department of Education for 33 years as an educational interpreter for deaf children in the classroom and later as a librarian.

I have a B.A. Grad Dip Ed, Dip Library and am currently studying a Grad Diploma in counselling through the school of psychology at Utas.

I have a daughter who is soon to graduate with a double degree in Law and Science. I have two small feisty dogs, a Maltese x poodle and Bichon.


Resources for working with Indigenous Communities and where to find them - Webinar catch up.


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