2023 EMCR Funded Awards - Closed
2023 EMCR Funded Awards are now closed
The Award Opportunity
WHRTN is offering one-off financial support to facilitate career advancement and development for women in early and mid-career stages of their research careers.
This support will strengthen and bolster the career development of women working across the breadth of women’s health research. WHRTN is also committed to building capabilities in women researchers across under-represented groups, diverse disciplines and in Indigenous research. Awards provide timely funding for women with flexible and diverse needs to engage, train, empower and connect with women in priority setting, research and translation.
Award Duration and Value
Competitive, one-year funding to commence 1 September 2023 and to conclude on or before 31 August 2024
One-off financial support to a maximum of $10,000 for career development and advancement activities
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to join the EMCR Researcher Network to share experiences, build collaborations and broaden skills
Award Information
Prior to submitting an application, it is important to read the EMCR Funded Award 2023 Applicant Information document. This provides details on: :
Award requirements
Eligible and ineligible expenditure
Selection criteria
The application process
Key dates
Further Information
· The EMCR Funded Award 2023 Applicant Information.
· You can email WHRTN if your inquiry is not addressed via the above
Eligibility and Ineligibly Criteria
Eligibility criteria
ECRs and MCRs who identify as a woman, working in women’s health and research translation
Employee or affiliate of an NHMRC accredited Research and Translation Centre; or
Employee of affiliate an organisation partnering or affiliated with an NHMRC accredited Research and Translation CentrePursuing women’s health research or translation in public health, clinical or health service
Research must be in one or more WHRTN women’s health research and translational priority areas
Research must specifically be for women onlyAustralian citizen or permanent resident of Australia
Awardee’s funded activity must be supervised by an experienced post-doctoral researcher who is affiliated with an AHRA Centre
Awardee’s funded activity must be a discrete project/activity with a clear beginning and end date
Commencing 1 September 2023, the funded activity must be able to be completed in 12 months and on or before 31 August 2024
Ineligibility criteria
Applicant’s research not focussed solely on women (eg, research that includes men is ineligible)
Applicant’s funded activity is part of another grant or project
Application for basic/discovery science
International funding application
Joint application
Incomplete application
Application received after the closing date
Submitting an Application
In preparation for your application, we strongly recommend you read the following documents:
The application is an online form and you must upload the following completed documents when you submit your application:1. EMCR Funded Award 2023 Applicant Proposal Activity
2. Statement of support and confirmation of ECR/MCR status from your Award supervisor
3. Statement of acknowledgment from your affiliated organisation's Research Office for the proposal activity
You can save your application form and continue later; however, you must be signed into your Google account
Prior to submitting your application form, we suggest you use the EMCR Funded Award 2023 Application Checklist to ensure you have complied with all application requirements
Once your application has been submitted, it cannot be recalled for editing and you cannot submit another application
The 2023 EMCR Funded Awards are now closed.
Applications will be acknowledged via email
WHRTN Women’s Health Research and Translational Priority Areas
Preconception, pregnancy, postpartum and intrapartum health of women and babies
Mental health
Reproductive health
Chronic disease and preventative health including cancer and heart disease
Healthy lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity and the prevention of obesity
Violence and abuse
Indigenous health
Healthy ageing
Sexual health
Key Dates
4 April 2023: Applications open
29 May 2023: Applications close
8 August 2023: Funding announcements
Successful awardees
24 August 2023: Mandatory Award orientation
1 September 2023: Award activity commences
27 February 2024: Award activity progress report due
31 August 2024: Award activity ends
30 September 2024: Award activity final report and financial acquittal due
Resources to assist your application
WHRTN Webinars:
ECRs: Writing a Grant Application - to be presented on April 20, 2023
1. EMCR Funded Award 2023 Applicant Information.pdf
2. EMCR Funded Award 2023 Applicant Proposal Activity.doc
3. EMCR Funded Award 2023 FAQs.pdf
4. EMCR Funded Award 2023 submission checklist.doc